We are now introducing our new webinar series: Turbo Talks

First out is a fireside chat about the next step after Process Automation with these industry leaders:

Sumeet Pathak, Head of Customer Success, Automation Anywhere

Kanda, Head of AI and Intelligent Automation Business Transformation, Ericsson

Sanjeev Ravindranathan, Global Director – Digital Solutions, Anheuser-BuschInBev

Rudolph Janse van Rensburg, Head of Automation, TreasuryONE(Pty) Ltd

Alexander Hübel , Chief Strategy Officer, Turbotic

Moderator: Abhishek Kishore Gupta, CEO India, Turbotic


1. What are the key success factors for driving an Automation enabled business transformation?
2. Our view on the Future of Automation
3. With so many Automation technologies converging, how should enterprises plan the roadmap?
4. Why do Enterprises need an Automation fabric?
5. Key learnings on Do’s and Dont’s

Day and time

Wednesday 1 of December

2 PM IST/ 09:30 CET

Register here now!